Small project Demos

During some of my school class i was involve in many projects working in team and personal proyects, I will described below more datails about them.

Image credit: Unsplash


These are some of the papers implementation that i did.

  1. Radix Tree Algorithms the web visual demo implementation demo video_youtube_here. demo: 👉 video_youtube_here

  2. Paper Implementation Review: demo nested cages, paper : demo: 👉 video_youtube_here

  3. haralick descriptor aproach Paper revew “Optical Flow Co-occurrence Matrices: A novel spatiotemporal feature descriptor “. paper :
    demo: 👉 video_youtube_here

  4. Demo optical flow ActionRecognition using KTH , demo: 👉 video_youtube_here

  5. implementation and Paper Review: 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image ,Direct Volumetric CNN Regression. Paper:
    demo: 👉 video_youtube_here

Computer science Labs at UCSP.
Computer science Labs at UCSP.


All those above projects were built on open source based, if you are interested on them, contact me by email and i will give you all the access to the github link, i will be willing to talk more about it.


Released under the MIT license.

Errol W. Mamani
Errol W. Mamani
Master Computer Science Student

My research interests include Natural Lnaguage Processing, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence.