Sentiment Analysis for Spanish (Peru) using Machine Learning

Image credit: Unsplash


Social networks are playing a very important role in our society, and microblogging is an important part of communication nowadays. This allows users to publish an opinion about a certain topic using the Internet and websites in a large repository of information. Social networks such as twitter, google+, facebook and whatsapp, contain many publications on their websites. This makes these platforms a source for information exploration using Artificial Intelligence methods, due to the massive amount of information that in cases like twitter reaches millions per day around the world and today we need to take advantage of this vast information to interpret the data in order to know how many opinions are made positively and how many are negative.

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Errol W. Mamani
Errol W. Mamani
Master Computer Science Student

My research interests include Natural Lnaguage Processing, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence.